• GRCC Member Blog

    These blogs are contributed by our chamber members who want to share news within their industry.

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    Tuesday, December 27, 2022
    Partnering With Document Imaging Company for Effective Redaction

    Many software solutions commonly used, like the Microsoft Office suite and Acrobat, contain some mechanism to “redact” a document. However, these options can be risky because it is both difficult to make the redaction permanent in the document and relatively easy to reverse the redaction. A professional imaging company with secure redaction software is a safer solution than trying to use in-house software.

    Didlake Imaging

    Thursday, February 17, 2022
    The Problem with Paper Medical & Healthcare Records

    Didlake Imaging

    Friday, December 11, 2020
    Why Should Your Business Have a Document Retention Policy?

    Establishing and implementing a proper record retention schedule is vital for any business that manages confidential and private records. A document retention policy, also known as a record retention schedule, keeps your organization compliant with legal and record-keeping requirements. The policy ensures that employees follow approved requirements consistently and legally, preventing unwanted problems and stress, helping you better serve your company’s bottom line.

    Didlake Document Imaging