• 2021 INCspire Bizmaker Grant Program Application

    Applicant Information
    Business Information
    Business Legal Address
    Business Mailing Address (if different)
    Yes No
    If selected, will you agree to present your business concept at the BizMaker Grant Awards Program?
    If awarded a grant prize, do you agree to fulfill the requirements of the INCspire Mentoring program?
    Is the business entity a for-profit organization?
    Is the entity a currently registered business in Fairfax County?
    Does the business entity have at least one principal who is a legal resident of the U.S. and at least 18 years old at the time of application?
    Most recent annual financial statements – income statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flow. For start-up organizations, please present a three year financial projection.
    If applicable, an explanation of extraordinary events impacting financial performance that you wish to have included in the evaluation process.
    Load a video pitch that highlights the economic impact of your business concept to our local economy by receiving an award. This can include goals for job creation, contributions to the local business tax base, increased physical presence of business operations, etc. Submission may also be written. Word count limit is 1000.